A Web-based Product for Wine Consumers

User research was conducted with the intention of designing a web-based product for people who enjoy drinking wine. My team is interested in finding out more about wine consumers and their needs.

User Research

Initally, we interviewed 9 prospective users of the tool. The conclusions of these interviews are presented in the form of personas and user scenarios as well as a prioritized features list. Read the initial research here.

In the second iteration of the research phase of this project, our research objective was to further define and prioritize the potential features of the product. We surveyed 79 people on their preferences regarding potential features of the product. Read this research here.

Mobile Application Prototype

Our team's end goal was to prototype a mobile application, following the standard User Centered Design process. The product that was being researched is named ListAssist and would help people to keep track of shopping lists with the ability to share the list with other ListAssist users.

Discovery and Requirements Phase

Read the complete document here.

Conceptual Design

Read the complete document here.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Read the complete document here.

Usability Testing Test Plan

Read the complete document here.

Usability Testing Report

Read the complete document here.

Iconic Representation in Human Computer Interfaces

This article reviews studies conducted over the past 20 years on iconic representation of commands in human-computer interfaces. The studies reviewed provide data and make recommendations on topics such as the benefits of icons, icon placement, configuration and size, as well as accessibility of icons for users who are visually impaired, either due to limitations in the surroundings in which the interface is used or in the users’ physical ability.

Research Review

Read the complete review here.